Rule #1: Never trust your wish guide.
Rule #2: Do not swing his magical wrench.
Rule #3: If your piano hops after you, RUN!
Ten-year-old Max Chu is desperate, but no one is listening. Max knows his music instructor is evil. He wants to humiliate Max at tomorrow night’s concert. Max would do ANYTHING to avoid the big stage. But when his last-minute wish attracts magical help, he might be forced to rethink that…
Mylo Zapp is not a wish guide. His magic is faulty, his business plan stinks, and he’s definitely not supposed to leave his home planet, Omnus, to take on risky new clients. But who can stop a born entrepreneur?
Fast-talking Mylo persuades Max he can fix up his life. Instead of facing his fears, Max can “twist” them away using magical tools. So why worry? Unfortunately, Mylo’s twists come at a terrible price. Now planet Earth is breaking apart. Reality is twisting out of control, and the music teacher Max begged to avoid becomes a real-life supervillain — an eight-foot-long, man-eating piano bent on world domination!
Max has never felt so afraid in his life. But when an evil orchestra kidnaps his sister, Max must finally confront his arch-nemesis, live on stage, in the biggest concert in Earth history. Can Max pull it together for one last performance — or will he become the hungry piano’s next meal?
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